The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) helps the centers of the Helmholtz Association get ready for research with Big Data. Therefore, HIDA supports you in the implementation of data science training courses at your center.
We Fund Advanced Training
The Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) stimulates the exchange of methods and the transfer of knowledge in the field of information & data science between all 18 Helmholtz Centres. To this end, it promotes the education and training of Helmholtz scientists. Therefore, HIDA co-finances the organization and expansion of courses and other training opportunities in order to open them to scientists from other Helmholtz centers.
To benefit from HIDA co-funding, the only requirement for such course and training offerings is that they should be suitable to support the 18 Helmholtz Centres in recruiting and developing young talent and to make the Helmholtz Association visible as an attractive employer in the field of information & data science.
You Should Know the Following for the Application Process
All members and institutions of the Helmholtz Association are eligible to apply, especially the Helmholtz Graduate Schools and Programs, but external institutions are also eligible.
Partner institutions can also benefit from funding if a Helmholtz institution is involved in the application process.

The following costs may be covered by HIDA:
- Travel, lodging, and instructor/lecturer honoraria
- Service costs for organizing and marketing the event
- Rental costs for event venues
The general principles of economy and frugality must be observed. The HIDA Course Funding is not a personal funding.

Event Formats
HIDA supports you in hosting very different types of events - from online to offline.
- Datathons, roundtable discussions, hackathons, career fairs, colloquia, conferences, courses, meet-ups, seminars, summer schools, symposia, lectures, lecture series, competitions, workshops and much more.
- The event can be held on-site, live online, online on demand or hybrid.
The only requirement: The event must have a clear connection to the field of information & data science!

Target Groups
Target Groups
The continuing education event is designed to familiarize scientists of any qualification level with data science methods. It is aimed at
- PhD students, postdocs and scientists from all programs and research fields of the Helmholtz Association and its partners
- international data science talents at universities and research institutions from abroad.

Information on Public Relations
If the application is successful, HIDA must be named as a cooperating partner of the event. In addition, we expect to place the HIDA logo and set up a brief HIDA presentation in the program schedule.
Please help ensure that offerings are widely communicated to ensure recruitment of participants from throughout the Association.
Simply apply
Are you planning a course or professional development in data science at your center? Then get in touch with us to apply for funding from HIDA! Download the application form, fill it out, and send it to HIDA.
We look forward to working with you!
Space for your event
Are you looking for a space for your data science courses or workshops? The Berlin HIDA Office at Anna-Louisa-Karschstra0ße 2 facilitates exchange and networking around Data Science for the entire Helmholtz Association. You can book our fully equipped rooms for your Data Science events.
If you have further questions concerning our Course Funding, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Dr. Stephanie Schworm
Training Program Manager

Dr. Anna-Lisa Döring
Training Program Manager