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Open PhD-Positions at the Schools

Under the roof of HIDA, six Research Schools train doctoral researchers at the interface between Information & Data Science and a scientific domain. At the Schools, they deepen their knowledge of data science methods and learn to combine knowledge from Helmholtz research fields with data science methods. Apply now for the next calls.

Two new PhD positions at MarDATA

MarDATA offers young scientists the unique opportunity to further develop Data Science methods specifically for marine research. This combination of Data Science and marine science is unique in Germany.

The GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, the University of Bremen and the Jacobs University Bremen are partners of MarDATA. Currently, two new PhD positions are available at AWI as part of the MarDATA training.

More information can be found here

HEIBRiDS: New PhD Positions

HEIBRiDS: New PhD Positions

HEIBRiDS invites applications for PhD fellowships in a collaborative research environment across disciplinary borders. HEIBRiDS projects combine Data Science with applications in Molecular MedicineMaterials & EnergyEarth & EnvironmentGeosciences and Space Research and topics belong to one or more of the following areas:


  • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • Data Management
  • High-throughput Data Analytics
  • Modelling (incl. Mathematical & Statistical Modelling)
  • Imaging



More Info

HEIBRIDS announces new doctoral positions

A unique research environment characterizes the Helmholtz Einstein International Berlin Research School in Data Science (HEIBRiDS): Here, research on the core methods, algorithms and processes of digitization is enabled from different perspectives and knowledge is transported between different disciplines.

HEIBRiDS brings together six Helmholtz centers and four university partners from the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF), which focuses on core digitization technologies, from digital health to digital industry and the digital humanities. The participating Helmholtz centers have first-class expertise in the fields of molecular medicine, astrophysics, polar and marine research, aerospace, materials science and geosciences.

New PhD positions are currently advertised at HEIBRiDS. Apply by August 23, 2024.

Apply now

Dr. Christian Beilmann
Head of Department HIDA


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