
RSE Bootcamp Part III: Continuous Integration (CI)

Tuesday, 18.07. - Friday, 21.07.2023 · 09:00 am -01:00 pm

This course is the third and last unit in our course series on “Research Software Engineering Bootcamp”.

What is continuous integration and why do we need it? Figure the following scenario: 

A team of scientists is working on a little project that takes astronaut data from Wikidata to analyse the time humans spent in space as well as the age distribution of the astronauts. The project quickly gained attraction and a lot of users as well as contributors joined the project. After some time it became hard for the maintainers to ensure new functionality is properly tested. It also frequently happened that contributors followed a different code style or forgot to add license information.

Verifying those criteria manually is tedious and not promising in the long run. This is why the team aims at automating as much as possible to save their valuable time. Luckily, they found a tool called GitLab CI which they can use to automate those tasks.

The following contents await you during the four course days:

  • Day 1: With continuous integration in GitLab, you can automate the building, testing, and deploying of your code. This day will focus on creating an initial GitLab CI pipeline. 
  • Day 2: Building on day 1, you will learn advanced concepts of GitLab CI useful for optimizing the pipeline.
  • Day 3: Containerized solutions can be helpful in the testing stage of continuous integration. This day will focus on how to use containerized solutions for scientific projects using Docker as an example.
  • Day 4: This day is reserved for working on your own projects together with experienced mentors.

Course days and times: July 18- July 21, 2023, 09:00 am - 01:00 pm each day.


Participants should have basic programming skills, be familiar with the basic operations of Git, and GitLab and ideally already have made some initial experience with a Unix-shell. No further software needs to be installed. 

Please make sure that you can log in to via the Helmholtz AAI before participating in the workshop.


To register, please press the register button below. Should you have trouble registering, please find here More info on AAI and step-by-step instructions.

Once you have registered, you should receive a confirmation e-mail.

If you receive no such e-mail (and it is not in the spam folder) please contact the organizer. 

Register here!


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