Careers with Data Science

A career in data sciences promises interesting professional paths. The first Virtual Helmholtz Data Science Career Day provided information about career steps for future Data Scientists. Here you can watch the exciting keynotes and panel discussions again.
A career in data sciences promises interesting career paths - especially since data scientists can contribute with their expertise to solving major challenges for society, science and the economy. The first Virtual Helmholtz Data Science Career Day on 23.09.2020 offered hundreds of interested people from all over the world the opportunity to learn more about a career in data science. Renowned data scientists spoke in keynotes and panels about possible career paths in their respective research fields. The variety of exciting fields of activity for future data scientists was discussed as well as hints and suggestions on what one can do to pursue a data-rich career.
Did you miss a panel or could you not attend the conference? Have a look at the conference program and take the opportunity to watch the individual contributions here.