
RSE Bootcamp Part II: Version control & project management

Donnerstag, 15.06. - Freitag, 16.06.2023 · 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr

This course is the second unit out of three in our course series on “Research Software Engineering Bootcamp”. It provides a solid introduction into the practical usage of the version control system Git in combination with the collaboration platform GitLab.

Day 1: Version control

This day covers the basics of Shell and Git, whereby the introduction to Shell serves to understand and use Git. 


  • Shell
  • Initial Git setup
  • Basic Git workflow
  • Feature branch workflow

Day 2: Project management

Building on your knowledge of day one, these course days will give a hands-on, fundamental introduction to the project management tool GitLab.


  • Working with the remote repository in GitLab
  • Collaboration using GitLab Issues and GitLab Merge Requests

All workshop days cover alternating sequences of theoretical input and hands-on exercises, during which the instructors are available for quick feedback and advice.

Course Times

The course times are 9am – 3pm on each day.


To register, please press the register button below. Should you have trouble registering, please find here More info on AAI and step-by-step instructions.

Once you have registered, you should receive a confirmation e-mail.

If you do not receive such an e-mail (and it is not in the spam folder) please contact the organizer. 

Register here!


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